The Idea of Womanhood
This International Women’s Day should be an occasion for all of us to reflect on our inherent biases and prejudices. Since time immemorial, the idea of a woman has been Continue Reading
The LGBTQIA+ Collaborative
This International Women’s Day should be an occasion for all of us to reflect on our inherent biases and prejudices. Since time immemorial, the idea of a woman has been Continue Reading
सध्याच्या काळामध्ये जेव्हा समाजातील लोकं विविध लैंगिक प्रवृत्तींचे उदा. समलैंगिक, उभयलिंगी, इंटरसेक्स, ट्रान्सजेंडर, अलैंगिक इत्यादीअसताना स्त्रीत्वाचा फक्त स्त्रीच्या शारिरीक रचनेसोबत संबंध जोडून विचार करणे चुकीचे आणि संकोचित विचारसरणीचे प्रतीक Continue Reading
On February 24th, 2018, the Healing Dove Foundation organised an event to explore, discuss and start conversations about Sexuality and Feelings in association with The Beyond, Rise Mumbai, and Barclays Continue Reading
Pride means different things to different people. For some it’s a political statement, for some it’s about asserting their existence and celebrating it. For some others it’s about spreading awareness Continue Reading
Sometimes, a hug is all that a person needs to feel better. Hugs are important not only for socialising and bonding with others, but it also helps boost our emotional Continue Reading