Spirit of Pride
With corona virus cancelling Pride Month’s parades and events, it is eminent to still celebrate who you are and who you love. Just because pride events are cancelled it doesn’t Continue Reading
The LGBTQIA+ Collaborative
With corona virus cancelling Pride Month’s parades and events, it is eminent to still celebrate who you are and who you love. Just because pride events are cancelled it doesn’t Continue Reading
The lockdown has surely been a challenging period for the community as a whole. In the past two months, folx have been trying really hard to make ends meet. This Continue Reading
Social media has today gives us the power to create content and provide entertainment to masses. Applications such as TikTok are growing to be that platform for many Indians to Continue Reading
Dating apps have always been a blessing to the LGBTQIA+ community. It has been a platform where any individual could sign-up filling up the correct details and find for a Continue Reading
HINDI: पुणे में *समपथीकट्रस्ट* इस संस्था ने ६ अक्टूबर, २०१८ को १ दिवसीय अद्वैत पुणे इंटरनेशनल क्वीयर फिल्म फेस्टिवल २०१८ का तीसरा संस्करण आयोजित किया था। यह महोत्सव हर साल Continue Reading