The Unsung Warrior of Pune
Sonali Dalvi has been working diligently for the welfare of the transgender community in Pune. Especially, in this economic crisis, when we expect the entire community and society at large Continue Reading
The LGBTQIA+ Collaborative
Sonali Dalvi has been working diligently for the welfare of the transgender community in Pune. Especially, in this economic crisis, when we expect the entire community and society at large Continue Reading
Dating apps have always been a blessing to the LGBTQIA+ community. It has been a platform where any individual could sign-up filling up the correct details and find for a Continue Reading
🌈Mumbai Pride Month 2020🌈 is here and we would like to invite you all for our amazing events every Saturday of January. Check out this invitation and for more details Continue Reading
HINDI: पुणे में *समपथीकट्रस्ट* इस संस्था ने ६ अक्टूबर, २०१८ को १ दिवसीय अद्वैत पुणे इंटरनेशनल क्वीयर फिल्म फेस्टिवल २०१८ का तीसरा संस्करण आयोजित किया था। यह महोत्सव हर साल Continue Reading
Every person undergoes a different set of circumstances before, during and after coming out of the closet. For me, it was hard and nerve-wrecking at first. But once you get Continue Reading