This Queer Katta let’s listen to your Dating App wali story.
Dating apps have always been a blessing to the LGBTQIA+ community. It has been a platform where any individual could sign-up filling up the correct details and find for a Continue Reading
The LGBTQIA+ Collaborative
Dating apps have always been a blessing to the LGBTQIA+ community. It has been a platform where any individual could sign-up filling up the correct details and find for a Continue Reading
🌈Mumbai Pride Month 2020🌈 is here and we would like to invite you all for our amazing events every Saturday of January. Check out this invitation and for more details Continue Reading
HINDI: पुणे में *समपथीकट्रस्ट* इस संस्था ने ६ अक्टूबर, २०१८ को १ दिवसीय अद्वैत पुणे इंटरनेशनल क्वीयर फिल्म फेस्टिवल २०१८ का तीसरा संस्करण आयोजित किया था। यह महोत्सव हर साल Continue Reading
Every person undergoes a different set of circumstances before, during and after coming out of the closet. For me, it was hard and nerve-wrecking at first. But once you get Continue Reading
This is another chance to get the weight off my chest. Phew… Caution: Coming out can be very addictive… My childhood has been a roller-coaster ride of masculinity and femininity Continue Reading